I lay awake to meet the day,
Beyond the warmth of sleep’s belay,
For I have demons yet to fight,
That dwell within the dark of night.
The moonlight brings me no relief,
As silence questions self belief,
For I have demons yet to face,
More deadly than the human race.
I stay awake to meet the dawn,
Where nightmares can no longer spawn,
For I have demons in my head,
That make their home beside my bed.
The dawn light slowly inches near,
At last to save me from my fear,
For I have demons in my heart,
Unable now to play their part.
I may awake to meet the sun,
Some day with all the fighting done,
For I have demons long deceased,
And none remain for then at least.
The new light will bring peace within,
A blessing to my worried kin,
For I have demons in my past,
And darkness cannot truly last.