
We only have two choices, to move or to stand still, no way we can go backwards, just live life to its fill.…

Poetic Letters

Morning all! Hope you’re enjoying the weekend thus far. I came across this little gem this morning and thought I’d share it with…

Poems are notations

Morning all! Here we are at the start of another weekend and with another quote for your enjoyment- “Poems are rough notations for…

Being misunderstood

Morning all! Hope the weekend is treating you well thus far. I came across this quote earlier today and wanted to share it…

Creativity gives life

Morning all! Another weekend here at last- and another quote for you to enjoy! “Creativity is to give life, colour, & form to…

Poets breathe life

Morning all! Hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend ahead of you, and if not, let’s hope it’s a productive one instead.…

Language has not the power

Morning all! Hope the weekend is treating you well. I came across another quote that I think you’ll all connect with this morning…

Poetry is Truth of Feeling

Morning all! The weekend is here at last and I have another quote for your intellectual enjoyment- “Poetry is, above all, an approach…

No one is born a writer

Morning all! Another day and another quote for your intellectual enjoyment- “No one is born a writer. You must become a writer. In…