Raise your words

Morning all! I trust the weekend is proving to be a relaxing and restful one for you all. Today I thought I’d share…

Scars Healed

Morning all! Here we are again at the start of another weekend and I hope it’s a good one for all of you.…

Verse #831

The eyes of dawn will bring us light, the smile of dawn will warm our heart, the arms of dawn will hold us…

Verse #830

The rising sun calls out your name, inviting you to join the game, to play to win and stake your claim, to fight…

Verse #829

We march into the cold of day, despite the wind and scenes so grey, to make our mark and find our way, to…

Verse #828

Another sunrise meets the eye, another day to live anew, another road for us to try, another chance to see things through.

Verse #827

The dawn lies sleeping out of sight, but still we rise to meet the day, our focus set with all our might, to…

The right reader

Morning all! I trust the weekend is treating you well. I came across a quote this morning that I think you’ll all enjoy-…

A writer is…

Morning all! The weekend is here again and it’s time for me to share another quote. I came across this one a few…

Verse #826

The sunrise brings us life today, a fresh new dawn to light the way, another chance to seize the day, another challenge- come…