Verse #920

Take my hand and live this day, walk with me into the fray, help me find the words to say, share my heart…

Verse #919

Stand with me to meet today, the lines now drawn by what we say, our time at last to seize the day, to…

Verse #918

With each new day we rise again, with each new breath we live again, with each new task we try again, with each…

Verse #917

The darkness fades as we awake, a new day dawns for us to find, with each new choice we stand to make, we…

Real Poetry

Morning everyone! Another quote to share with you all- “Real poetry, is to lead a beautiful life. To live poetry is better than…

Poetry is criticism

Morning everyone! The weekend is here at last and so is another quote for you to enjoy. “Poetry; a criticism of life under…


I lay awake to meet the day, Beyond the warmth of sleep’s belay, For I have demons yet to fight, That dwell within…

Verse #916

Breathe the air of this new day, to clear all thoughts of yesterday, refocus on the light ahead, and not the dark behind…

Verse #915

For all that you have done and all that you still have left to do, remember who you are and ever more try…

Verse #914

Today and every other day, think not of chances gone astray, but look instead at what you’ve done, and all you’ve shared since…