The Music of Life

Morning all; and happy new year! A new year and a new dawn are upon us and we can only hope they will…

Verse #1062

And so we start another year, with hope in mind despite our fear, for with the dawn we’ll all unite, and take a…

Life is a footnote

Morning all! I trust you’re all geared up to see 2016 out and welcome in 2017. It’s been a rocky year for many…

Dawns New Life 

As this year ends we breathe a sigh, And look towards a brighter sky, The days ahead are ours to share, With those…

Verse #1061

As this year draws towards a close, we cannot dwell on what has been, the days ahead are ours to own, to build…

Words Live Forever 

Morning all! I trust the weekend is treating you well and that those with something to celebrate have a blessed and relaxing day.…

Poetry Expresses Us All

Morning all! The weekend is here at last, and for those celebrating, it’s one of the busiest weekends of the year. No matter…

Verse #1060

​The lives we live are built on choice and all that we accept, the changes that we seek come from the paths that…

Verse #1059

We pass each day with hope in mind, and face each challenge that we find, to leave our past lives far behind, and…

Dyes of the Heart

Morning all! I hope the weekend has been good to you so far and continues to do so. It’s the start of another…